Our Herefords
are raised in the northwestern corner of Texas Panhandle and the northeastern highlands of New Mexico on mixed &
short grass prairie consisting of predominately blue grama, buffalo grass, and western wheatgrass. Our cowherd makes a living
on native grass, in a dry southern plains environment that frequently has extreme environmental challenges, so taking
care of the range and the cattle go hand in hand. Management practices that benefit native grass production are implemented
seasonally. The nutritional requirements of cattle and the availability of that nutrition are continually monitored. To be
successful in our area we prefer moderate framed, efficient & functionally sound (reproductively & structurally) cattle
to makeup the herd. Due to the challenges our cattle have from hot, dry & dusty droughts to windy winter blizzards,
we are confident they can thrive and adapt to other regions of the country. We also have a considerable emphasis on fertility, eye, scrotal & udder pigmentation,
longevity and udder quality. We make extra efforts to insure all cattle are gentle and easy to handle, have a complete herd
health program, collect TPR on every individual and utilize performance, ultrasound and economic data to guide genetics.
A combination of utilizing genotypic and phenotypic strengths is a focus in our breeding program. Customer
satisfaction is our main goal, so we utilize a variety of industry standard tools to represent the cattle on what we
know about them.